smj blog

Be up front

Creative people are at a little bit of a disadvantage, weirdly, because we love what we do. We feel lucky to get paid for it and we would probably do it for free.
But there are the realities of life, and while we are privileged to earn a living this way, earn money we must. Sure, we like to make money, but for the most part, we really want to kick ass creatively and yes, making money makes it all better. If we were really focused on making money, we’d probably be doing something else.

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Online enrolments

We all want to make things simpler and more efficient. And there’s no doubt that going online these days is simpler than dealing with hard copies — both for schools and parents.
Allowing parents to complete an application online is sensible and carries no significant legal risks because you aren’t entering a binding legal relationship at that point.
But can parents accept the offer of a place online?

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An important piece of your school’s next Strategic Plan 

In some parts of the world, Strategic Plans have an unfortunate tendency of outlasting the school leaders. Meaning, many new Heads are given the tricky task of taking over where the last person left off and implementing a plan that can all too easily feel second-hand and a bit tired around the edges. And then, of course, there is the small issue of a global pandemic that relegated even the best laid Plans to the metaphorical back burner. To the point that, midway through 2023, they have either gone up in smoke or, at best, are difficult to locate.

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The right marketing question

The wrong question is: “Our project isn’t catching on, how do we promote it better?”
The right question is a little more nuanced and far more important:
“We’re seeking to make a change in part of the world. How do we find the right people and tell them the right (true) story that helps them get to where they’re going – and that they’ll tell to their peers?”

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White space is your friend

White space is a design term that suggests ‘negative space’ — also known as space where there is no design element.
It can work on a purely aesthetic level, but it also serves to tell the viewer where to look, what the hierarchy is and where to take breaks. It can also help an entire piece be more inviting.

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Know thyself

Your taste plays a huge part in marketers work, so you should definitely make an effort to get to know it. Often, when author Bonnie Siegler asks her clients what design work they respond to most strongly, they tell her they’ve never even considered the question. But everyone has personal preferences, and having a sense of what they are will make it easier to judge creative work with confidence.

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Branding is expecting. Marketing is parenting

There is a lot happening in the modern school marketing landscape. It seems that every time you open a new browser tab there is a new tool or app that is going to ‘make your life easier’ and solve your enrolment problems. Of course, it’s not real. School communications and marketing are getting more complex, not easier.

A good school leader needs to be able to build trust and strong relationships with all participants in the school community – students and their families, alumni, staff and other stakeholders. Motivating these diverse audiences to work towards the school’s mission is one of your greatest challenges as a Head.

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Unlocking your school’s value: a practical framework

There is a lot happening in the modern school marketing landscape. It seems that every time you open a new browser tab there is a new tool or app that is going to ‘make your life easier’ and solve your enrolment problems. Of course, it’s not real. School communications and marketing are getting more complex, not easier.

A good school leader needs to be able to build trust and strong relationships with all participants in the school community – students and their families, alumni, staff and other stakeholders. Motivating these diverse audiences to work towards the school’s mission is one of your greatest challenges as a Head.

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Uniting your community, the ‘write’ way

As the school Head, you are often responsible for rallying stakeholders around a shared purpose, direction and culture.

A good school leader needs to be able to build trust and strong relationships with all participants in the school community – students and their families, alumni, staff and other stakeholders. Motivating these diverse audiences to work towards the school’s mission is one of your greatest challenges as a Head.

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Why you need to embrace the Martec revolution

School Heads who show by their long-term behaviour that they have an ongoing commitment to transparency to the greatest extent possible, are far more likely to maintain the trust of their community on those specific occasions where they have no choice but to stay silent. The benefit of building a stock of goodwill upon which you can draw in difficult times cannot be overstated.

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