Memorable and portable
Persuading teachers, parents and students that your vision of the preferred future is worth pursuing is possibly the most important communication challenge you will face in your career.
Persuading teachers, parents and students that your vision of the preferred future is worth pursuing is possibly the most important communication challenge you will face in your career.
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
What should we do to grow our school’s enrolment? How should we turn around our school’s enrolment decline? Are there specific school growth strategies we should implement?
When marketing your school, it’s easy to get carried away and to forget that the law may have something to say regarding the way you go about it.
for people who find themselves in positions of influential leadership, the idea of a personal brand really does matter. Not so much for you and your personal advancement, but because it unavoidably impacts the school you represent.
All brands, including schools, sit on an ever-changing continuum that evaluates ‘brand perception’. To differentiate your school from the competition, you must identify your school’s true brand voice and what your school’s unique offerings are.
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