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128: Increasing your school’s perceived value

How do prospective parents determine value? And most importantly, how do you increase your school’s perceived value? In this episode, we discuss what the perceived value theory is and how you can apply this theory to prospective parents as a Chief Value Proposition Officer.

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126: The seven stages of school marketing

How do you create enticing content to get your prospective parent to know, like, and then, ultimately, trust you? And most importantly, how do you leverage that trust into an opportunity? In this episode, we discuss how you can reach the seven key stages of the life cycle of your prospective parent’s journey, resulting in the prospective parent becoming an advocate for your school.

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125: School fees, inflation, and national trends – interview with Jack Stevens

Despite staggering inflation costs, many schools have increased their fees well below the current inflation rate in recognition of the cost-of-living pressures on families. In this interview, Edstart founder and CEO, Jack Stevens dives into Edstart’s School Fees Report 2023 to summarise the surprising tuition trends across the country and the financial implications this has had on schools.

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124: The future of AI for school marketing

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is here and with it comes the need for an answer to the big question: What does this mean for the future of school marketing? In this episode, we take a look at ChatGPT, the AI software stirring controversy, and reveal how you can utilise this powerful technology to augment and enhance your marketing and communication strategy.

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123: The fundamentals of positioning – part 2

As a leader of school marketing, there are two simple questions you should be answering: Who are you as a school and why do you matter? In this second half of two parts, we continue analysing the complexities of your positioning and reveal how you can unravel what your school does at its core.

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122: CX Design: The global experience

When thinking about your school experience strategy, you must consider all the moments families will have as they journey through the lifecycle of your school experience – from the first time they ever connect with the school – all the way through to becoming members of the alumni community. In this episode, we speak with David Willows and Suzette Parlevliet from [YELLOW CAR] who have been on a whirlwind trip the last few months bringing their signature expertise in Customer Experience for Schools to Heads and marketers across the world.

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121: The fundamentals of positioning – part 1

As a leader of school marketing, there are two simple questions you should be answering: Who are you as a school and why do you matter? In this episode, we analyse the complexities of your positioning and reveal how you can unravel what your school does at its core.

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120: Boomerang Carrot – interview with Mike Vachow

From the ongoing repercussions of COVID-19 to extended waitlists, prospective parents face uncertainty in many areas of their child’s education. In this interview, CEO of Knuckleball Consulting, Mike Vachow joins us to discuss what he’s learnt after serving in five independent schools, sharing his eight tips for eliminating this uncertainty in parents.

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