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115: Utilising a style guide

Your brand can only remain consistent if every team member is following the same decision-making process when creating content. We talk you through everything you need to know about writing and style guides, what a comprehensive branding guide looks like and how to avoid inconsistent messaging creeping into your content.

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114: Brand Tracking

Every school has a brand. However, perceptions and expectations of your school brand are constantly evolving. We interview the Director of Solutions at McCrindle, Geoff Brailey, to learn a thing or two about brand tracking and discover the brand-related questions school Heads should be asking.

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113: Turbocharge your ideas

As a school Head, you have a vision for your school. Persuading your school community that your vision is worth pursuing is the most important challenge you will face in your career. While trying to sell this vision, it can often feel like no-one is listening, which can be equally as frustrating as it is disheartening. This week, we look at why your message often fails to capture your audience’s attention and the six principles that will get your message to well and truly stick.

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112: Understanding school fees – interview with Anthony McCausland

When choosing a school, one of the first questions a prospective parent asks is, “Can I afford the fees?” Having designed a fee calculator which delivers a transparent fee experience to parents while generating valuable enrolment enquires, Founder of Feesable, Anthony McCausland, joins us to discuss the standout insights this data reveals.

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